Cerro Caledonia
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My thanks to The British Moutaineering Council, John Earle and Tom Barcham for all their help with this special feature

The British Mountaineering Council website
The Exploration of Tierra Del Fuego 1979
by John Earle
Punta Arenas - Chile

The expedition would like to acknowledge with gratitude the sponsorship of: British Caledonian Airways; The Mount Everest Foundation and The British Mountaineering Council.

We should like to thank the following firms who gave the expedition free gifts of their products: Unigate Foods and Damart Thermawear Ltd.

We should like to thank the following firms who provided equipment and products at discount and trade prices: Atkinsons of Windermere; Dartmoor Equipment - Okehampton, Kodak Ltd; Robert Laurie Ltd; Mountain Equipment - Glossop; Smith Kendon Ltd; Stringfellow Sales Ltd.; Tulloch Mountain Craft Ltd.

Our special thanks go to the following individuals, who gave us exceptional assistance in various ways:

In the UK: Mr. Simon Ames of British Caledonian Airways; Mr. Mike Daniel; Mr. Richard Grant; Mr. Cedric Harben; Captain Kenneth Pugh, Chilean Naval Attaché; Dr. Richard Sharp.

In Argentina: Mr and Mrs. Oliver Bridges; Mr. Hugh Carless, Charge d'Affaire Buenos Aires; Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodall; Mrs. Clarita Goodall; Mr .and Mrs. T. Goodall; Mr. Richard Gozney, Third Secretary British Embassy Buenos Aires; Mr. J. Rolland of Duperial, Buenos Aires; Mr. S. A. Stewart of Duperial, Buenos Aires; Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Watzel.

In Chile: Mr. R. Anglin, British d’Affaire, Santiago; Mr. George Boyd; Captain Gaston Droguett; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ewer; Mrs J. Fox, British Embassy, Santiago; Mr. A. D. King, British Vice Consul Punta Arenas: Mr Patrick Maclean, Mrs. Nancy Stewart; and Mr. Ian Williamson of British Caledonian Airways - Santiago.
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If you recall or helped with the arrangements for the expedition it would be great to hear from you, please drop me a line here - email
Expedition Maps