BCal's Boeing 707 Fleet - Where are they now?
Page 2

G-ATZC : County of Stirling / Loch Katrine
Serial No. 19416 / Line Number 556
Age : 25.8 years
Status : Written off 26th Nov 1992
G-AVKA : Flagship Bonnie Scotland
Serial No. 19415 / Line Number 601
Age : 43 years
Status : Scrapped 2010 - 2011
G-AVTW : County of Ayr
Serial No. 19767 / Line Number 659
Age : 26 years
Status : Withdrawn from Service circa 1993
G-AWTK : County of Angus / Flagship Bonnie Scotland
Serial No. 18975 / Line Number 445
Age : 20.5 years
Status : Written off in hard landing at Luanda Feb 1988
Here we have the histories for some of those that did not make it to 2016


Surprisingly some were relativley young, just over 17 years old

and the final page, Page 3, covers the remaining 707 aicraft - see link below

G-ATZC British Eagle 02.67 Cancelled
N737AL Airlift International 14.04.67 leased
N737AL Airlift International 06.68 bought
PH-TRW Transavia Airlines 04.69 leased
G-ATZC Caledonian Airways 26.06.70 leased
G-ATZC British Caledonian Airways 01.09.71  
G-ATZC British Caledonian Airways 01.03.73 bought
C-GFLG Worldways Canada 30.11.81 bought
PP-TCP TransBrasil Linhas Aereas 04.02.86 leased
PP-TCP TransBrasil Linhas Aereas 03.03.89 bought
PP-TCP AeroBrasil Cargo 10.92  
G-AVKA Caledonian Airways 13.07.67 bought
N319F Flying Tiger Line 13.07.67 leased
G-AVKA Caledonian Airways 08.06.68 returned
G-AVKA British Caledonian Airways 01.09.71
CS-TBH TAP Air Portugal 20.05.73 bought
N106BV Buffalo Airways 30.11.83 bought
N106BV ATASCO - Burlington 11.85 bought
N106BV Southern Airlines 12.85 leased
N106BV Burlington-Buffalo 04.93 bought
4K-A01 AZAL Azerbijan Airlines 21.03.95 leased
4K-AZ4 AZAL Azerbijan Airlines 15.07.95 bought
9G-ALG First International Airways 08.09.98 transferred
9G-OOD First International Airways 01.10.98 re-reg
5Y-BOR First International Airways 03.12.00 re-reg
3C-NGK Air Cargo Plus 11.09.01 re-reg
3D-NGK Air Cargo Plus 04.12.02 re-reg
9Q-CKS Kinshasa Airways 15.01.03 transferred
D2-FDZ Etram Air Wing 02.07.06

G-AVTW Caledonian Airways 29.12.67 bought
G-AVTW BOAC 11.03.69 leased
G-AVTW Caledonian Airways 18.04.69 returned
G-AVTW British Caledonian Airways 01.09.71
CS-TBI TAP Air Portugal 09.04.73 bought
CS-TBI Nigeria Airways 09 - 11.80 leased
CS-TBI Dominicana 23.11.83 leased
HI-442 Dominicana 07.84 bought
HI-442CT Dominicana 02.89 re-reg

N322F Flying Tigers 27.09.67  
G-AWTK Caledonian Airways 20.12.68 bought
G-AWTK British Caledonian Airways 01.09.71  
G-BDCN Greyfin (Leased back to BCal) 09.05.75 bought
G-BDCN British Caledonian Airways 31.03.77 bought
D2-TAC TAAG Angola 28.10.78 bought
D2-TOB TAAG Angola 05.80 re-reg
D2-TOI TAAG Angola 05.80 re-reg

G-AWWD : County of Argyll / County of Angus / Loch Calder
Serial No. 19355 / Line Number 553
Age : 26.9 years
Status : Withdrawn from use in Oct 1993 following nosegear failure
N325F Flying Tigers 06.02.67  
N325F El Al Israeli Airlines 08.68 leased
G-AWWD Caledonian Airways 08.01.69 leased
G-AWWD Caledonian//BUA 29.04.71 bought
G-AWWD British Caledonian Airways 01.09.71  
D2-TAD TAAG Angola 01.12.77 bought
D2-TOC TAAG Angola 03.80 re-reg
D2-TOJ TAAG Angola 08.80 re-reg
Airlift International
Airlift International
British Caledonian
British Caledonian
AeroBrasil Cargo
AeroBrasil Cargo
Flying Tigers
Flying Tigers
Caledonian Airways
Caledonian Airways
TAP Air Portugal
TAP Air Portugal
Buffalo Airways
Buffalo Airways
Burlington Express
Burlington Express
AZAL Azerbijan
AZAL Azerbijan
First International
First International
Air Cargo Plus
Air Cargo Plus
Kinshasha Airways
Kinshasha Airways
British Caledonian
British Caledonian
Off to TAP
Off to TAP
Flying Tigers N322F
Flying Tigers N322F
Caledonian G-AWTK
Caledonian G-AWTK
British Caledonian G-AWTK
British Caledonian G-AWTK
Flying Tigers N325F
Flying Tigers N325F
British Caledonian G-AWWD
British Caledonian G-AWWD

More on G-AVTW here
This 707 had been parked at SHJ for a long time. It eventually left in 2007 and was stored at Luanda/Angola. D2-FDZ ETRAM Air Wing seen complete in breakers compound at Luanda 28.03.09.  Luanda - no sighting of aircraft in June 2012 when last visited.
In 1965 this 707 flew round the world. Total elapsed time for the flight was 62 hours, 27 minutes, 35 seconds with just under 5 hours on the ground.

The flight departed HNL and flew north to the North Pole, then south to London Heathrow, where they stopped for fuel. Unexpected runway restrictions limited the 707’s takeoff weight, so they had to make an extra fuel stop at Lisbon, Portugal before flying to Buenos Aires, Argentina. After another fuel stop there, they continued south, circled the South Pole four times, then headed north to Christchurch, New Zealand. From there, they continued on to Honolulu.
The 707 was scheduled to leave on a cargo flight from Luanda to Rio de Janeiro on 20th February 1992, but suffered a nosegear failure while taxiing to the runway.

Though reported the fuselage was creased, the aircraft was reported as repaired by March 1993.  Though she was withdrawn from use in October 1993.

G-AXRS : County of Caithness / Loch Lomond
Serial No. 19664 / Line Number 643
Age : 31.7 years
Status : Written off Nov 1998 - during emergency landing
N526EJ Executive Jet 06.02.67  
PH-TRF Transavia Airlines 15.05.68 leased
G-AXRS Caledonian Airways 02.11.69 leased
G-AXRS British Caledonian Airways 01.09.71  
G-AXRS British Caledonian Airways 10.79 bought
G-AXRS Monarch Airlines - 2 year lease 06.04.81 leased
G-AXRS British Caledonian Airways 30.12.81 rtnd early
5N-AOQ Aries Corp - Leased to Okada 20.07.84 bought
TF-VLX Eagle Air 15.08.84 leased
5N-AOQ Okada Air 14.10.84 returned
5N-AOQ Peak Aviation / Kuwait Airways 10.93 leased
5N-AOQ Okada Air returned
5N-VRG IAT Cargo 01.09.96 leased
5N-VRG Summit Aviation 01.98 leased
5N-VRG IAT Cargo 06.98  
N526EJ Executive Jet
N526EJ Executive Jet
PH-TRF Transavia
PH-TRF Transavia
Caledonian G-AXRS
Caledonian G-AXRS
Monarch G-AXRS
Monarch G-AXRS
Okada 5N-AOQ
Okada 5N-AOQ
IAT Cargo 5N-VRG
IAT Cargo 5N-VRG
5N-VRG - Das Air takes off over her
5N-VRG - Das Air takes off over her
2002 - the last piece of AXRS / 5N-VRG
2002 - the last piece of AXRS / 5N-VRG
Flight RCN302 took off from Oostende (OST), Belgium at 03:28 on 14 November 1998 with a cargo of 35 tons of electronics. Heading south over Chimay, Belgium while at FL240 the aircraft encountered turbulence. The no. 3 engine detached, forcing the crew to return to Oostende.

A holding pattern was flown to burn up fuel. While holding the airplane also suffered hydraulic problems.

Finally an emergency landing was carried out at Oostende at 05:44. The plane overshot runway 26 by 100m and came to rest just next to the localizer antenna
Laboratory analyses revealed the presence of a fatigue crack on the inner mid spar fitting of engine No3. The crack had been present for a reasonable time. The Airworthiness Directive 93-11-02 dictates the replacement of the fittings by improved model by July 97. The fittings of engine #3 were from the old design. Failing to carry out AD 93-11-02, meant that the aircraft was in a non-airworthy condition at the time of the accident.
G-AYSI : County of Sutherland / Loch Doon
Serial No. 18707 / Line Number 349
Age : 20.3 years
Status : Written off Dec 1983 - crashed on take off
N375WA World Airways 26.09.63  
G-AYSI Britannia Airways 28.02.71 bought
G-AYSI British Caledonian Airways 11.04.73 leased
G-AYSI Singapore Airlines (cargo) 01.06.76 subleased
G-AYSI British Caledonian Airways 07.76 returned
G-AYSI British Caledonian Airways 18.12.78 bought
N3751Y International Air Leases 28.03.80 bought
HK-2401 Tampa Cargo 04.80 leased
World Airways N325WA
World Airways N325WA
Britannia G-AYSI
Britannia G-AYSI
British Caledonian G-AYSI
British Caledonian G-AYSI
Tampa 1981 ish
Tampa 1981 ish
Tampa HK-2401 Jan 1983
Tampa HK-2401 Jan 1983

This 707 was destroyed in a take off accident at Medillin, Colombia December 14, 1983.

In the morning of December 14, 1983, the TAMPA Boeing 707 freighter departed Medellin on a cargo flight to Miami (MIA). During departure the no. 4 engine suffered FOD (foreign object) damage. The flight returned to Medellin. It was decided to ferry the aircraft to Miami for repairs.
That afternoon, 15:30, the airplane took off again with the no. 4 engine operating at idle power. During take-off the no. 3 engine failed.

The aircraft banked steeply, struck powerlines and crashed into some factories. Sadly all 3 crew and 22 on ground were lost.
G-AYZZ : County of Renfrew (named on 2nd lease period)
Serial No. 20089 / Line Number 741
Age : 17.3 years
Status : Sold to Boeing for EC135 spares in Nov 1985
N8417 American Airlines 30.08.68  
G-AYZZ Caledonian//BUA 06.06.71 leased
N8417 American Airlines 27.09.71 returned
G-AYZZ British Caledonian Airways 08.06.72 leased
N8417 American Airlines 31.12.73 returned
N8417 Global International Airlines 16.06.81 leased
N8417 Red Apple Aviation 05.07.85 bought
N8417 Boeing MAC 21.11.85 bought
EC135E Spares - March 1999
EC135E Spares - March 1999
BCal Jet Cargo G-AYZZ
BCal Jet Cargo G-AYZZ
Global International N8417
Global International N8417
EC135E Spares - March 1999
EC135E Spares - March 1999
G-AYVE : not named
Serial No. 18083 / Line Number 209
Age : 22.2 years
Status : Broken up Miami in July 1983
BCal sub-leased this aircraft from British Midland for 4 months between April - October 1974.

She started life with Pan Am, flew for over 15 airlines in her time before being repossessed from Tampa Cargo and left stored in Miami for a few years before being broken up in 1983.

G-AYVG : not named
Serial No. 17598 / Line Number 70
Age : 24 years
Status : Broken up Miami in Oct 1983
BCal leased this aircraft from British Midland between July - August 1976.

She started life with Pan Am, flew for over 20 airlines in her time before being stored at Manston in 1980. She was later delivered to Miami and left stored in Miami for two years before being broken up in 1983.
More on G-AYVG in BCal service here

EATSCO =  Egyptian American Transport and Services Corporation

26th November 1992 - Manaus; Brazil
On take-off from Manaus the right main gear struck an approach light tower, causing a gear and hydraulic system warning.

The 707 returned to Manaus, but the right gear collapsed, causing the plane to run off the runway coming to rest on the edge of a ravine

G-AYBJ : not named
Serial No. 17597 / Line Number 68
Age : 21 years (as of Sept 1980)
Status : Broken up UAE Sep 1980
BCal leased this aircraft from British Midland for a few weeks in October 1976.

She started life with Pan Am, flew for over 22 airlines and companies in her time before being sent for storage in Sharjah in September 1980 where she was later broken up.

G-AYXR : not named
Serial No. 17608 / Line Number 122
Age : 45.5 years at break up
Status : Broken up in Oct 2005
BCal sub-leased this aircraft from British Midland in July 1975. Later, by which time she was owned by BMA, BCal leased her for a 2nd time in Jan 1977

She started life with Pan Am, flew for over 16 airlines in her time before being stored in the Mojave Desert in 1998. Most notably she was one of the development aircraft used by General Electric for the CFM-56 engines. She stayed stored in the desert until finally being broken up in 2005