Grahame Mackenzie  24/11/12
Great site! I joined BUA Telecomms in 1970 and served BCAL for the whole of its existence, leaving BA with the forty pieces of silver in '88. It was never going to be the same. Effectively retired now and living in Bembridge on the Isle of Wight. All the best to all ex-BCAL staff, are there any ex-Caledonian House (the staff barracks, not the office block) inmates out there or are you still nursing the hangovers from all those mad parties in the seventies/early eighties?

Sheila Mackay (now Nicholas)  11/01/22   Sheila Remembered
Sadly Sheila passed away on Sunday 9th January 2022. My sincere condolences to her husband John (BUA Engineer), family, friends and former colleagues.

Sheila's crewroom entry from 14/08/13:- I joined Caledonian Airways in April 1968 and stayed until May 1973.  I loved the job, what opportunities to travel it offered young women in those days. I went to so many amazing places and we sometimes had long layovers too. We always seemed to have loads of fun. On the hadj of 1971/72 in Jeddah I met John Nicholas an ex BUA engineer.  We hit it off and married in September '72 and guess what....are still married forty-one years later. John is still involved in Aviation, but says he'll retire soon. hmmh! Caley will always have a special place in my heart.  I think those were my glory days.  Is there anyone I know out there?

Tony Mackey
I was proud to be a part of BCAL from 78-87 and long for those days of best customer service and genuine friends at work. The aviation industry lost its shining light when we were "merged" into BA.

Nan MacClennan
Sadly Nan passed away in March 2009, after a long fight with cancer. Our condolences go out to her family and friends. Nan was from Stornaway and was a hostie in the early 70'S then lived in East Africa and married and became Nan DiPiero moved to Boston. Katrina McGeechan remebers Nan as a really lovely person.

Tom Magarry
I worked for BCAL from 1985 to time of takeover by BA. Started as Graduate Trainee & ended up running MT Operations during 88/89. What a time that was !?? If anybody has a "I survived Gatwick 1988' mug I would be willing to pay for it? This is a lovely site and demonstrates just how unique BCAL was as an airline.

John Mallen    A potent reminder of happy days

Peter Mallan
Sadly Peter passed away, aged 80, on 20th June 2014.  The funeral service took place on 27th June in Glasgow. Our thoughts are with his wife Helen,children & grandchildren. Peter was always full of life and a great entertainer, a well known singer, broadcaster and teacher in Scotland. He worked with Gordon Mason, Ian Ritchie and Adam Thomson to promote the early Caledonian Airways charters from the USA & Canada and also BCAL in the early 70's recalls Bryan Reburn

Peter's Original Crewroom Entry :I flew on the inaugural flight to New York from Prestwick on Caledonian. The aircraft was a DC7C "The Star of Robert Burns" and I think Sir Adam Thompson was one of the crew.  This is a postscript to my earlier comments: I'd like to hear from any BCal people who remember me; I sang at the opening of the Houston and Atlanta routes as well as other occasions at Dallas, Geneva, Gleneagles and Copthorne. Those were wonderful days which I will never forget. I now produce and present programmes for Radio Clyde. My very best wishes to you all.

Charles Manetta  04/06/17
Joined British United Airways in June 1962 in Load Control, or Ships Papers as it was called at the time, one of the jobs I enjoyed most. Worked mainly in Traffic, as we called it then, surviving at least three sets of redundancies! Management jobs involved sales development, new route start ups, and staff training. Industry development and committee work included airport terminal design in the UK, airline handling procedures development at IATA, mainly related to the introduction of wide body aircraft, and the industry introduction of Dangerous Goods training and Aviation Security training in the UK. At the merger with BA I was managing the Training Centre opposite Caledonian House. I left to start Training Team, and one of our first contracts was the training of the 350 staff of Ogden Allied who were taking over the handling agent slot at Gatwick given up by British Caledonian following the merger.

Kevin Mangnall 13/03/21
Sadly Kevin, a BCal Flight Engineer, has passed away on or around the 15 January, at his home in Kerikeri, New Zealand. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and former colleagues. Kevin had been battling cancer since 2018. Kevin Remembered

Captain Martin Mann 21/07/22
Sadly Martin passed away on 14th June 2022 after a short battle with cancer, aged 78. My sincere condolences to go his family, friends and former colleagues.

Captain Howard Mansell  07/08/19
Sadly Howard passed away on 3rd August 2019 after a long brave battle with cancer. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and former colleagues. Howard was a popular member of the BCAL fleet and served on BAC 1-11, B707, DC-10 & B747 aircraft, eventually becoming part of the training fleet. His service was held on 21 August 2019. Howard Remembered

Angela Mansi
I flew with BCal from 1977 - 1988. I was a Flight Hostess, such fun, wearing wha we we called the horse blanket…a long tarten skirt to serve FC passengers. We then merged with BA at LHR till 1998, was Senior Purser, and also Senior Counsellor for CrewCare till I left. Did a degree in Psychology with OU, while flying. Left to go to City University in 1998 to do an MSc Psychology.

Began teaching at Birkbeck 2000, OU, Goldsmiths, UCL and taught at Westminster Business School since 2001. Became a Chartered Psychologist in 2004 and Senior Lecturer at University of Westminster. I Am currently finishing my PhD.

Loved my time with BCal, it was small enough to know everyone and build up friendships, but had the most exciting span of networks.  I almost lived in South America one year, doing 11 long trips in 12 months. Made some wonderful friends, unfortunately I can see from this site that some have passed on.  I am still in touch with Jaqui Radley, and via her Marian Charrington.

David Manton
1978 - 1990. Worked in Traffic at LGW and then in KAN and LUN. Since then I have worked with many ex BCAL colleagues around the world and have been in the Middle East for the last five years where I regularly meet up with them and keep the memories alive. Would be great to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Ian Marchant   Wow, what a great internet site. I was with BCAL 1972-1988 mainly in air cargo but occasionally transferred to Pax services and load control.

Renalda M.Markesteijn
I used to work for BCAL at Amsterdam Airport between 1975-1988. It sure was a great company to work for. I am glad I have found this site. Keep up the good work.

Amanda Marks (now Pugh) 
I joined Bcal as a stewardess in 1978 and had the time of my life !  Still miss it ...with BA now and all that that entails ! So proud to have been part of the whole Bcal thing. I am living in Somerset now and if anyone wants to get in touch would love to hear from them

Julie Marley (Watkinson)    BCAL 1978-1980 Stewardess 707, DC-10 and 1-11

Jeremy Marquand   02/09/17
Sadly we learn that Jeremy passed away suddenly but peacefully, aged 64, on the 25th August 2017. My sincere condolences go out to his wife Holly, children Natasha and Christopher, his family, friends and former colleagues. Jeremy last posting was as Manager Botswana. After BCal he went to work for the Guernsey Press Newspaper in the Channel Isles.  Jeremy's service was held on 5th September at La Foulon Crematorium on Guernsey.
Jeremy's original crewroom entry: What an unexpected site to find. Anybody out there who remembers me glad to hear from them

Robert Marrill
I happened across your website whilst reflecting on times past. Spent four great years in the development team at Bcal from 1984-1988 working on DC10s including NIUK , autoloand cat 3A cert and spec of A320 (launch customer!). I often wonder what might have been been were events to have taken a different course with BMI, SAS, Lufthansa whereas I joined BA for another ten years before moving on to pastures new in 1998. fondly remembered times.

Roy Marshall  18/04/20
I joined Cale in December 1968 as part of the 'traffic' team. Team? well there was 5 of us. When Cale took over BUA and went to work for the Traffic Overseas department and in '74 was posted to Paris. that was the start of a long career overseas with the airline. Worked in Lagos, Hong Kong, and Riyadh to name a few. Went over to BA and left them in 2002. After some years spent working outside the airline industry most of my time now is spent in trying to improve my golf handicap. That’s harder than working! It's great to see so many names of past colleagues. My wife, Barbara, and I are looking forward to the reunions. I am so proud to say that I worked for BCAL, probably the best customer service airline ever.

Meg Martin

Meg was the Chief Hostess for the original Caledonian Airways, prior to the BUA takeover. By 1973 Meg was Cabin Staff Recruitent Supervisor for BCal. Meg lived in Horley for some years with her partner BCal 1-11 Captain R "Bob" Vanburen. They subsequently move to Romney Marsh area. Her partner died and she carried on living there for a few years. Meg passed away in the 1990's we understand.

From Rosie Mason
Meg Martin and Malcolm James interviewed me at the Horley office of Caledonian Airways in around March/April 1966. I did have previous experience of flying with Trans Australia Airlines which clearly stood me in good stead, as I left the interview with a job offer, although Meg often told me it was the jaunty orange hat I was wearing that swayed their decision...! We became friends, and periodically I was crewed to fly with her, sometimes staying overnight at her house in Westmead, Horley.  My fondest and most appreciative memory of Meg was on the occasion in August 1970 when I landed at Gatwick after a long haul flight and she was waiting at the bottom of the steps.  I warned my crew we were probably about to be spot-checked.  Not so - she was there to inform me that my mother had died suddenly in Australia. She insisted I go to her house rather than drive to London and there she really took care of me at this devastating time. So, Meg has a special place in my recollections.

Paul Martin  08/09/15
I worked in the Cargo area from 1978 to 1985 in Cargo Ops, Reservations and later in the HDQ team for the SITA Cargo System. Would love to hear from any of the cargo team, Kim Hudd, Debbie Ecclestone, Steve Salis (Slack), Sandra (Res), Vic Attwood. I am in-touch now with Bonita Johnson (nee Daniels). Lynn from St Louis, special memories. I also skied for a couple of years with the BCal Ski Team, touring the USA, names such as Chris Mills and the late Wally Brunn. BCal was the first company that I ever worked for and it was an amazing experience, great airline and great people.

Norma Marwick  22/01/19
I started with Caledonian Airways as a young girl, and had the most amazing 18 year career. I worked with some fantastic people, many of whom I am still in touch with, and sadly many of whom are no longer with us. The highlight of my time with BCAL was working as secretary to the late David Coltman and I did manage to visit him in Peebles a few month prior to his death; so sad.

I still have so many friends, and despite my geographical distance from Gatwick, I see and keep in touch with many of them. I have visits here, in Perthshire, each year from Trevor Boud, Jan Desoutter, Ranald Noel Paton and Nicolas Boize. Also Graham and Noddy Broadbridge visited last summer.  I am in contact with many old colleagues, Tony Cocklin, Sally Anne Berryman, Chris Gilbert, Mike Booth, Rohan Alce etc. and Philip Bowell.

Rosie Mason  09/10/14
Started with Caledonian Airways in April 1965 and flew until May 1973 when I married a former Australian boyfriend and returned to Sydney. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time… Those 8 years were the best of my life, in the best decades to be living in England, particularly London, where I shared a flat with Anna Merino and Sue Power. Luckily I have been able to return to England more or less annually for quite a few years, and so love to catch up with old buddies like Sue, Ethna Kenny, Rosie Johnson, Pauline Kirkman, Yvonne Adams and Sue Pownall. Sadly I and many others lost a super buddy when Barbara (Stanworth) died last year. Anna also died in Barbados many years ago. If anyone knows the whereabouts of LOUISE WERNQUIST I would be delighted to hear of her

Marshall Massengale
It is with sadness that I acknowledge the passing of the late Sir Adam Thomson, OBE. I learned of this event only very recently through our group of de Havilland DH-106 Comet Jet enthusiasts. If there is anything so remarkable and defining of British aviation, especially the commercial side, it is the unique and fascinating character of its pioneers and leaders. It is certain that neither he nor the magnificent airline he built will be soon forgotten and it is to be hoped most fervently that there will follow those for whom Sir Adam set not only an example, but the standard for excellence.

Bunny Mason
Have read your info about BUA & BCAL with interest. I served with the company and its previous aviation interest i.e. Hunting Clan, from 1955 until 1974. During which time I was Cargo Sales Manager and latterly Commercial Manager Cargo, until leaving the Company during the redundancy of 1974. Would appreciate hearing whether any of my era are still around. I am still going strong, Yours in anticipation.

Ivan Mason
It is with sadness we learn that Ivan passed away on 31st January 2009 at his home in Charlwood, Surrey. Ivan was 82 and leaves his wife Gill and four children and 9 grandchildren. Ivan had worked as a flight engineer and an aircraft engineer in his many years in avaition, working for BOAC, Hunting Clan, BUA, BCal and eventually BA. I had met Ivan and Gill a few times at various events around the southeast and it was a good to get the chance to meet him. Our sympathies go out to his family and friends.

Gill Mason (nee Terrington)   17/11/14
I flew as a hostess/stewardess with Hunting Clan on their Viking services, which was where I met Ivan. I left in 1958 when we got married though Ivan continued on as a Flight Engineer. All four of our children have ended up in aviation - Simon is a manager with Virgin, Tim a 777 pilot with BA, Jane was cabin crew with BIA then with BA for 16 years and Anne is in finance with BA. It must be in the blood!

Gordon Mason - 16/11/12
Sadly Gordon passed away on the evening of Tuesday 6th November.   Our thoughts and condolences go out to Gordon's family and friends. Gordon Remembered 
Janet Mason: Sadly Gordon's wife Janet passed in June 2020. Janet was well known amongst the BCal community alongside Gordon.

Gordon's original crewroom entry : Hello Everyone, Just discovered the site with my son Tom, this is fantastic and it was great to see so many familiar names and friends in the guest book and a great tribute to the late great Sir Adam Thompson. I would just like to pass on my best wishes to all who may remember me. I finished up with BCAL in Toronto after 18 years service in 1986. I worked at Gatwick for Caledonian Airways and latter with BCAL in Scotland, (the best 18 years of my life!) Friends made that I will never ever forget. I set up my own PR company and was asked serve as Marketing Director for Scottish European Airways where I retired again, after which I worked with the board of the Rothesay Winter Garden, which was great fun and then lead me into a successful political career serving Argyl and Bute council for two terms as convener of social work and housing for the region as well as being appointed a Justice of the Peace. Still keep in touch with Tony Cocklin and having now left the island of Bute and living in Ayr we are just around the corner from Ray and Pat Jackson and Peter Mallan. BCAL was the highlight of my working career, truly a great company and family!

Kris Massie
(formerly Van Woenssel)  16/08/19
Delighted to have found the site while having a stroll through 'Google' and anything to do with BCAL after a lovely lunch with Sandra Gosling and our 'catching up' chatter.  I started in Reservations with BCAL in Kitwe, Zambia when the office opened in July 1976 and BCAL commenced flights to and from Lusaka.  Reservations was manual in those days and bookings were taken on cards and transmitted to BCAL Gatwick via Telex Machine.  I spent 5 years in that office, our Managers were George Mitchell and subsequently Keith Gascoigne.  Also Alan Varley who was Manager Zambia at one stage.  On meeting Steve and Dot Tester, both of CRC Gatwick (terrapin building!) and subsequently Caledonian House, they were instrumental in my obtaining a transfer to England.  Another 5 happy years part in Reservations and the other in Hotel Reservations (the oil rig personnel to and fro Aberdeen to Houston) with Pat Richardson as she was then.  On the demise of BCAL, I refused to transfer to BA - just couldn't do it.  Ended up with other airlines - Virgin Atlantic and Air Europe who also 'bit the dust' and finally another 5 years with Caledonian Airways in Customer Relations before leaving the airline scene.  BCAL was the best company I have ever worked for.  We had enormous fun apart from hard work of course.  I have lost touch with many but still see Sandra Gosling and Sue Tangstrum and correspond with Renalda Markesteijn (ex Schiphol Ticket Desk) in The Netherlands.  I occasionally run into Hilary Moon in Horsham as she was then, before her marriage.  Everything about the site is great!  Well done!

Stuart Matthews   18/02/15 
My credentials from Jan 1967 to Jan. 1974 working as BUA Assistant Planning Manager British Air Ferries, then the Special Projects Office, followed by Manager Aircraft Analysis Office. I was then British United Island Airways (BUIA)  Planning Manager and finally BCAL General Manager, Corporate Planning

I left BCAL in early 1974 (after falling out with Maurice Guinane, then Managing Director) and was immediately invited to join Fokker, the Dutch aircraft manufacturer, to set up and run their business in the USA. As President and later Chairman of Fokker Aircraft USA, I did this for 20 years (to the day) during which time I managed to get Fokker's largest order (150 x Fokker 100s sold to American Airlines and valued at well over $5 Billion. It also turned out to be the largest single commercial order ever booked by the Netherlands for which the Queen of the Netherlands saw fit to knight me (Order of Orange Nassau), hence now Sir Stuart Matthews.

On stepping down from Fokker, I was invited to run the Flight Safety Foundation, the major international non-profit organization focused on aviation safety (BCAL was a member) which I ran for 13 years before finally hanging up my boots in early 2008.  I am now retired and live in a high-rise apartment building in Northern Virginia overlooking Washington DC and Washington Reagan National Airport (DCA). So I can watch airplanes coming and going all day long!!

Before I left BCAL, I married my long time girl friend/companion, Kaye Barrett. She was also in BUA and later BCAL where she "ran" the Overseas Airline Department (Sierra Leone Airways and Gambia Airlines) which was then part of the BCAL Sales Department.  After we married she left BCAL and we now live happily together in the USA..

Margaret Mattocks ( Nee Maycock)   I joined BCAL in 1976 and would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Graham Mauger   02/09/14
I used to work for BU(CI)A and then went to Pan Am and Alitalia before ending up at Wardair at LGW, I met a lot of Cally and BUA staff and would be happy to hear from anybody remembers me.

James McAlpine  25/06/11    I flew the S61 with BCH from 1985 to 1987 on North Sea operations.

Ray McCammond 23/11/17
Sadly we are hearing that Ray has passed away, around the 20th November 2017. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and former colleagures at this time. Details are a little brief at present, but more will be placed here when known.
Ray's last crewroom entry from March 2012: I left BCAL and went to Gulf Air in Bahrain. Came back to the UK, and worked for TWA, World Airways on the ground. Then spent 19 years with Virgin at Gatwick also on the ground. Took early retirement, and now live in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife for the last 4 years. BCal was a wonderful company, and great people

Malcolm McCluskey 03/07/24  Malcolm Remembered
It is with sadness we learn that Malcolm passed away on 20th June 2024, my sincere condolences to his family, friends and former colleagues. Malcolm started with BCAL in CRC in 1977, soon moving on to Aircraft Dispatch Coordinator as well as time as Aircraft Dispatch Coordinator as well as time as Airport Manager in Accra and Lagos. Malcolm's original crewroom entry: BCAL 1976-1988 now B.A. Great to see such a fine set-up for the only one "who never forgot you had a choice". Keep up the good work. This still a great site for what really was the "Passengers favourite airline." Keep up the good work.

Valerie McEvoy (now Mitchell) 11/02/12
I joined BCAL at C.L.A.T. in September 1977, and left B.A. in November 1992. Working on the Ticket Desk (didn’t realise those were the good old days!) Had a brief spell with BCAL Cargo at Heathrow and returned to the Ticket Desk. Moved to Cheltenham in 1993, worked in a Government Establishment for about 12 years, and finally retired. Missed working at the sharp end, so as to speak. Met lots of lovely people, and I wish I was still 30 years old and back in Victoria.

Maureen McGarvey (now Miller)   16/08/15
I was a hostie from 1973-75. I came down from Glasgow to the best job in the world with BCal. Although my time was fairly brief, I loved it all.  Married and moved to Toronto where I bumped into John Coppendale in M&S!! Still in touch with couple of ground/office people but would love to hear from anyone I worked with.  I do remember being petrified of Miss Merriman, but on the other hand Pat Edwards was fab.  Great times, great memories.

Katrina McGeechan  15/09/20
Katrina passed peacefully in Warwick General Hospital on 21st August 2020 after a six month battle with cancer. My sincere condolences go out to her family, friends and former colleagues. Katrina Remembered

Katrina's last entry from 26/07/15: Joined Caledonian in 1968 as a junior hostie flew 1-11s  Brits and 707's left in 1975 to get married and moved to Nigeria where I lived for 7 years and still have my sanity!!!  Then lived in Texas and Washington DC. and finally moved back to England in 1989.  Now live in Warwickshire and now divorced.  Still return to Scotland to visit relatives, and still manage to travel a little. Remember when the rota was 1 page and you knew where everyone was going and with whom !!!  Remember boardroom lunches and John de La Haye's weak tea !! Do we know where Sally Dunn,  Maureen Brown, Liz Valentine, George Copsy, Julia Salter  Ingrid Keyser are  ??  Still in touch with Karol Powrie, Lyn Rylance and  Anne Reed. Remember lots of names already mentioned.

Vince McGread 18/03/2018
Sadly I have heard that Vince passed away on the 18th March, he had been ill for some time. My condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues. Vince was a Flight Purser for BCal, and received special praise for the care he and his crew mates gave 187 survivors of the Zeebrugge Ferry disaster when they flew home by special BCal service in 1987. Vince's service was held on 22nd March 2018. Vince Remembered

Helena McGowan  (now Burgoyne)  03/08/15
I joined BCal as cabin staff in Aug 1973 and flew until 1983 when the first of my three children was born.  It was a wonderful life, full of colourful memories, fantastic camaraderie, interesting people and great destinations - I feel privileged to have experienced it and been a part of a brilliant airline.  After Gatwick I went back to Scotland, taught French and Italian in schools, was widowed, and currently work in sales and marketing for Ambassador Theatre Group.  I'm still in touch with good airline friends including Olivia Hastie (now Charley), Eileen Hares (McBride), Judy Cannon (Langridge), Dee Makin, and would be delighted to hear from former colleagues out there to share the BCal love!

Gemma McGuinness     Great to hear from all of you. I am currently working for AA as DSM in LAX and enjoying it.

Ian McIlwrick   Posted by his son Andrew McIlwrick
My father was the account manager at Rex Stewart & Associates Limited in Glasgow, that produced advertising for BCal thru the 1970's and possibly into the early 1980's. Some of the slogans on that page such as "We never forget you have a choice” were actually penned by my father. I remember him proudly showing them to us in Jersey airport on a family holiday - by BCal of course. Sadly my father passed away in 2003, but I am sure he would have been delighted to see you keeping the BCal memories going as he had such close ties to the airline. One of his hobbies was painting, and as well as painting many aircraft of BCal (and many others - even BA ! ) he was commissioned by the airline for several years to paint the 12 pictures that featured in their corporate calendar.

My own memories of BCal are; flying on my very first ever flight - to London in 1976 whilst aged 9, as a gift from Mr Gordon Mason, the BCal Scottish manager for the work that my father did at Rex. We actually went on a day trip to Brighton ! The aircraft was G-ASTJ, a BAC 1-11 : sadly I used to collect aircraft registration numbers when a child, and that one is etched on my memory. Travelling to Florida in 1982 from Gatwick via Atlanta - again as a gift to the family from BCal. The flight we were booked on was overbooked, and as we were non-paying passengers we were offloaded. The next day we flew out first class on a DC-10. I can still remember where I sat on the plane more than 25 years later, and visiting the cockpit to see the crew and the controls. Eating carved meat with metal cutlery and watching adults sip champagne before taking off !  Collecting many BCal aircraft models and building a toy Glasgow or Gatwick airport ! Also, visiting airshows such as the Prestwick International and Farnborough International as guests of you guessed it - BCal.

Barbara McIntosh
I worked as an Auntie (Children's Escort) from 1981 to 1990. I had a wonderful time, made many friends and saw some wonderful places during my time with BCAL. I still meet up with the old BCAL Aunties at our annual reunion.

Brian McIntosh  I was in Security, from 1980 to when B Cal merged with BA.

Brian McLean 10/04/15
Sadly Brian passed away on 29th March 2015, our sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues.  Brian Remembered

Brian's original crew room entry : I joined BUA as one of six, the second intake of apprentice's on 19 Sept 1964 and we started straight away at Brooklands Tech college at Weybridge full time. After completing the five years I joined the line, and worked the old three-shift system until the four on, four off shift started, plus the occasional AOG's. After getting my licenses, I became a supervisor on line and then was posted to Paris in 1985.  When the takeover occurred, I was posted to Geneva for the summer season to look after the A320's. And then all around Europe with the occasional postings to Africa - Gulf - Middle east until I retired in 2006 . Many good times, but not the family atmosphere of BCAL.

Karen McManus 03/01/13
I was employed in Passenger Service/Ground Ops GLA from 1979 to September 1986. I emigrated to YYZ in 1987 and also worked for two other carriers in Canada, i.e. Wardair Canada and British Airways. I later joined a crown agency of the Government Of Ontario, working in the Public Communications, Public Relations Dept, in transportation. BCAL was the simply the best airline with the most amazing employees! (all my female colleagues at GLA: Roma McPhail, now Roma Carnegie, Margaret Grossart, Margaret Cunningham, Helen Mowatt (Elfverson), Jean McLean, Moira McGinty, AnnMarie Hamilton, Geraldine Talbot. All males: Alfie Todd, Andrew Hall, Alastair Milliken, Fred Maltby, Ian Seggie, Peter Clark, Colin Scott, Ken, Tommy White, Fraser Milne, Pino Torricelli, Des Maguire, Tom Houston, Tony Elfverson. Secretary, Lea Larrabide, Avril Gorrie; apologies to any I forgot to mention.

Hugh McMillian  17/01/16
I joined BCAL on 10th March 1980 at Glasgow Cargo and I still work in Cargo at Glasgow, but as BA paid off all their cargo staff outside of London in 2003, I am now working for the handling agent, BA Regional Cargo.

Neill McMullen  09/03/16
1963-65 Traffic/Load Control at Bournemouth for BUAF, early 1966 at Renfrew Load Control for BUA, then till 1971 with handling companies at Bournemouth, 1972 BIA Southampton. Great times, working with great people, all very fondly remembered.

William "Bill" McNamara 11/03/20
It is with sadness we learn that Bill passed away on 10th March 2020 at his home in New South Wales Australia, he had just celebrated his 78th Birthday. My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues. Bill joined BCal in 1979 from Pan Am as Manager Australia and rose to Regional Manager Pacific. Bill's service was held on 23rd March in Australia, details and remembrances can be seen here, Bill Remembered

Colin McPhail 06/02/19
Sadly we have heard that Colin passed away on 26th January, after a short illness. My sincere condolences to wife Chris, his family and friends. Colin, a manager for BT, knew and was friends with many people within the airline who were friends with / worked with Chris. A Thanksgiving Service for Colin was held on Thursday 7th March at St John’s Church, Blindley Heath. The family kindly extended an invitation for Colin's friends to attend.

John McTier      I hope one day we will see the return of the Golden Lion to the sky's of the UK

Piero Meda

When I saw it....I remained stunned for a moment of deep emotion ....many know that I always maintained the spirit here , as local leader of a group of people ...who never forgot .....I shall now start getting back in contact with the other 7.000 and will try to supply the site with pictures and memories .....Ciao to all of you wherever you are are part of my family.

Alan Medhurst 07/09/21
Sadly Alan passed away in East Surrey hospital on 16th August 2021, he was 83 years of age. My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues. Alan was a long serving Engineer, firstly in Hangar 1 in BUA days then as a Line Engineer on Line 4 during BCal / BA's time. Alan Remembered

John Meighan 03/08/15
Joined BCAL in 1973 and stayed till 1979, in load control and dispatch. Great to see so many friends , its got to have been one of the best places to work ever. Now with Emirates and enjoying that also. Great web site

Ruth Meikle   (Now Spence)  13/08/08
Hi I was Ruth Meikle (now Spence) had a fabulous 7 years with British Caledonian took the redundancy package before the 'merger' to hear from anyone who remembers me, the good times, LAGOS!! etc.  We truly knew how to work hard - and play hard!!

Alvaro Mejia
Very nice page, and believe it or not I flew a B-707 that belonged to British Caledonian it was serial 18707 a cargo air plane for Tampa Cargo Airlines. That airplane here in Colombia was registered as HK- 2401, it was lost taking off from Medellin in a ferry flight to Miami the 14th of Dec. 1983

Lizzie Mellor   What a fantastic site!!! i have been moved to tears!! anyone out there remember me? no 1 cabin crew and i left in 1985!! x

Continues below
Dave Mercer  09/02/13
Joined BUA and gave up smoking on the 3rd March 1969. Survived through to the merger and lasted 2 years with BA. Joined Airtours International. chalk and mouldy cheese. Still remember it as the best Airline and job I ever had. Best wishes to all. Its funny how things happen. First I find the site then whilst rummaging in the attic I came across various bits. A Photograph of the football team in Gib...Warby, Hang up the boots Rouse, Phil Anderson etc. wonderful memories Dave

Howard Meredith 
Received the web address from John Barratt//Charles Goodrich, greetings to all ex BCAL staff. I have been with the UN World Food Programme in the Highlands of Ethiopia looking after airops for them in Ethiopia. No not retired yet! I'm now in Kabul with Skylink aviation running 2 helicopters and one cargo aircraft.For those of you who do not remember me, my last posts with BCAL were Tripoli, Gatwick and Uganda.

Judy Merryweather
Sadly Judy passed away earlier this month. My sincere condolences go out to her family, friends and former colleagues Judy joined Cabin Services in the early 70’s and flew across the aircraft fleets at LGW for BCAL and latterly BA before her retirement as a long haul CSD. Judy Remembered

Rafi Mian
Sadly Rafi, ex-BUA/BCAL Engineering Technician, passed away in America on 6th June 2018. He had lived there for some time and had been suffering from Alzheimer for few years. Rafi worked in Hangar 3, then on ramp. Rafi Remembered

David Miles 15/01/21
Sadly David passed away on 4th January 2021. David was with BCAL from the mid 1970s, initially in Load Control. He later moved into the Ramp Training Team at Hangar 4, and from there was assigned many duties around the network, following the introduction of the DC10. David passed away at the Royal Marsden Hospital, after a long battle with cancer. David Remembered

Harry Millar
Nice to bring back memories! ex British Caledonian Helicopters - Ground Services Controller which included responsibility for the mainline service ABZ-MAN-LGW.

Alistair Miller   03/01/11
Joined BCal in 1972 as Advertising Manager, working with Nic Boise for 11 years. Wonderful memories of new route launches and of course our “Caledonian Girls” ad campaign which is still talked about to this day. Hope people who remember me will get in touch

Bob Miller
Brings back some memories!  I joined BUA in 68 in crew rostering later Crew Scheduling: survived the MERGER with Caledonian, left at BA takeover. Rose coloured specs or not still thought they were great days. Would appreciate contact from old friends.

Roger Mills 28/03/23  l was a Load Controller/ RedCap 1972-1976. Would be happy to hear from former colleagues

Roy Mills
Sadly Roy passed away in mid-January. Roy worked in Sales for BUA and also as BCal's Distrcit Sales Manager Midlands & N.East in the UK. Roy's service was held on 27th January at Macclesfield Crematorium. From David Watt - I attended Roy's funeral on the 27th January in Cheshire. A cold but sunny windy day - BCAL was well represented in so far as Roy's sales force - those I could contact in the time available namely Frank Bradshaw, Ken Bromfield, Geoff Hamlett (office supervisor), Ken Fielding formerly Ops at MAN APT, plus members of the Manchester Airline Managers Assoc. We all wore BCal memorabilia of one sort or another; ties, scarves, tie pins, etc. I like to think we did Roy proud, he was well liked and respected.

Avril Milne  07/08/24  Avril Remembered
It is with sadness we learn that Avril passed away on 3rd August 2024 after a short battle with cancer, my sincere condolences to her family, friends and former colleagues.
Avril's crewroom entry for 15/08/15:- Joined April 1971 until May 1988 when absorbed by British Airways. I retired from British Airways in October 2003.   The only flying I do now is for travelling which I love and do as much as I possibly can, especially to India

Paul Milne
Sadly Paul was lost on 12th May 2010 in a tragic accident at his home in Horley, he was 71 years old. Paul was a BCal Engineer and worked as an Instrument Supervisor at Gatwick and will be missed by his family and friends. Our sincere condolences go out to them.

Geoff Milner 

Employed by BCAL in Engineering and Cargo from 1982 and stayed with BA until taking redundancy in April 1988.Joined Servisair for ten months then joined Air Europe for three years until company collapsed in March 1991.Joined British Midland Engineering at LHR in 1992 until present time.

Martin Milsom
A very sad moment for Aviation and on my birthday too.. I used to check in those DC7s and Britannia flights as well as travelled many a thousand miles on 1-11s/707s He fought, some he won against all odds, and was the businessman's choice on many a route. Great lads and lasses on board too, who upheld the tradition of service. They are all missed, Martin

Jeff Milton  
Greetings to all old friends and colleagues. Joined BUA in '64 and was working in Houston, after spells in Nigeria, Brazil and HQ when the merger was retired and living in Villamartin on the Costa Blanca for the past 4 years. Passing through? All welcome

Dawn Mirren 05/09/21
Sadly Dawn passed away at her home in Canada. My sincere condolences to her family, friends and former colleagues. Dawn was one of the original Caledonian Airways team, and was PA/Secretary to John de la Haye. Then at BCAL she worked in the Press & PR department. A lovely lady - very professional recalls Tony Cocklin.  Dawn Remembered

Alan Mitchell 19/08/22   Alan Remembered
It is with sadness we learn that Alan has passed. My sincere condolences to go his wife Jan, his family, friends and former colleagues. Alan started with Caledonian Airways in 1968 and worked through for 20 years having 3 careers, which took him into Operations Control & Crewing; Personnel and finally Passenger Services. Alan and Jan's joint entry from 2012: Alan and Jan Mitchell (nee Anderson)  16/05/12  Jan and I joined “Cally” in early 1968, Jan as Air Cabin Crew while I started in Crew Scheduling. I stayed for 20 years having 3 careers, which took me into Operations Control & Crewing; Personnel and finally Passenger Services.  All 3 were so different challenging and rewarding. Jan worked for about 2 years as Cabin Crew then joined the Sales office before leaving to raise a family. Jan did return on occasions to act as cabin crew who were affectionately known as “Golden Oldies” “High Mileage Boilers” and “Blue Rinse Brigade”. We now reside on the south coast both working for our Church organization, Jan in Hove and me in Eastbourne.  Our favourite pastime now is being Granddad and Gaga (our Grandsons name for Jan - those of you who know her will understand why) !  We believe the whole web site is testimony to the type of atmosphere created by the airline and to the people who made it the great organization it was.  Even now my home office displays the framed scroll “British Caledonian - A chapter in history in which we proudly served” so brilliantly drawn up by one of the Engineers and a framed photograph of Gatwick Airport 1988 version.  Our Grandson loves to play with the three model aircraft I have all in BCAL colours each time he visits us.  Happy days and a privilege to have been associated with it!

John Mitchell  02/05/13
Sadly John passed away on 24th April 2013. Our sincere condolences go out to John's family and friends. John joined in 1964 as an airframe/engine apprentice at Gatwick and worked in Engineering. John's service was held on 8th May 2013 at the Surrey & Sussex Crematorium.

John's orignal crewroom entry : Nice to know that the best airline ever is still remembered

Lana Mitchell 13/02/15
Sadly Lana passed away on the 5th February. Our sincere condolences go out to Lana's family, friends and former colleagues. Lana worked at the BUA Air Terminal at Victoria in the 1960's.  She continued through working for BCAL then on to British Airways in Terminal 5. We understand that the funeral is a private one but that a memorial service is being arranged by BA. More details on that as we learn them. Barry Ashton remembers Lana well and recalls working with her at the Victoria Air Terminal back in the day and times thereafter.

Nikki Mitchell  26/01/19 
I joined 14th August 1978 and finally stowed my Delsey in 2016. Very proud to have worn the tartan and am still the proud owner of 4 complete pristine uniforms including the horse blanket! Also have my night-stop bag, winter coat and my 707 training manual!! Why???  I moved to SW France in 2003 and am still here running a little gîte and, more recently, my own first class café!  Would love to hear from any tartan terrors who may remember me.

Patricia Mitchell 03/07/21
Sadly Patricia passed away on 26th June 2021. Patricia worked from Gatwick for some 27 years, the first two with BCal, the remainder with BA. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Patricia's service was held on 23rd July 2021, details and remembrances here, Patricia Remembered

Alan Moffatt
    I joined BCAL as an apprentice engineer in 1977 to the end. I'm the youngest of three brothers who also worked at BCAL. drop us a line if you remember me or my brothers.

Jim Monaghan  01/10/17
Hello to all you lucky people. Lucky because we all worked for such a fine, fun and fantastic airline. Such high standards we achieved in all departments, such pride we had in our Company, yet so much fun and friendship. Even Lagos was fun. Hoping to see a few smiling faces in September at Russ Hill. I was a F/E B707 and DC10

Sylvia Morant 13/01/19
Sadly Sylvia passed away on Friday 11th January 2019 in Crawley Hospital. My sincere condolences go out to her family, friends and former colleagues. Sylvia, who worked for many years in BCal's Sales & Marketing team, originally started with Caledonian as their uniformed receptionist. Though not on pc, Sylvia was always interested in the latest news. Sylvia's service was held on 4th February in Crawley. Sylvia Remembered

Tom Moremon 22/01/21
Sadly Tom passed away on 21st January 2021. Tom was a engineer, flight engineer rising to Chief Training F/E. He was highly regarded, well liked and known to many within the airline
. Tom's service was held on 26th February, Tom Remembered

John Morgan 26/05/16
I joined Caledonian Airways at Gatwick on 23 November 1970 on leaving the Royal Air Force having been interviewed by Roy Marshall at Gatwick. I went straight into Load Control and for the next 3 years thoroughly enjoyed working on the tarmac with all sorts of different aircraft. In 1972 I became Supervisor in the Cabin Services Briefing Unit Operations Room and had 9 ex-air hostesses working for me checking out/back all the cabin crews. In 1973 I joined the Sales Division working for Robert ‘Bob’ Norris in East & Central Africa Sales and made many trips to Lusaka, Ndola, Kitwe, Nairobi, Dar-es-Salaam, Entebbe, Tunis, etc,. My memory is a little hazy now but I certainly remember Graham Broadbridge, Jeremy Dixon, David Williams, James Crabbe, Brenda McKeague, Jo ? the secretary, David Slack and Richard Heywood. I also had a spell in Overseas Admin which resulted in going as part of a team to all South American route stations (Buenos Aires, Santiago, Montevideo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro) for 3 weeks on business - my God! We thought we had arrived!!

We worked through changes like Caledonian/B.U.A and then to British Caledonian Airways. It was a certainly a great company to work for and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there right up to 1977. I would love to hear from any ex-colleagues I have not mentioned.

Mick Morgan  15/01/25  Mick Remembered
Sadly we learn Michael (Mick) passed away in December 2024, my sincere condolences to Chris, family, friends and former colleagues. Mick's crewroom entry from 14/04/17 follows: "I joined BUA in Sept '63 on their first 5 Year Indentured Apprenticeship scheme with 5 others. Went to Brooklands Technical College, Weybridge with Vickers Apprentices, as there wasn't enough to fill a class from BUA. Joined Dave Sturney in Las Palmas for 6 months at the end of the Apprenticeship turning round the South American VC10's, and the West African 1-11's. Returned to Gatwick at the end of the 6 months, got Electrical Licences on the 1-11,and B707, and became an Avionic Supervisor on the Ramp. I remained in that role, with British Caledonian, and then BA, becoming a Fleet Technical Engineer before taking early retirement in October 2003. In the 40 years I worked on the Britannia, Viscount, and DC6 through to the B747-200, and B777. Regards and best wishes to all those I had the pleasure to meet and work with."

Heather Mories  03/08/16
BCal stewardess. How fantastic that this contact for BCAL people is here. I joined in 1972 and left I 1976. I was on the BAC1-11 and VC10’s and then very latterly the 707’s. Made really good friends and still in contact with Sally Golds, Cathie Cameron (just made contact this month), Charles Goodrich. What a wonderful life we had - flew all over the world, saw everything, had amazing stops and being on the VC10’s, our main destination was Nairobi. What trips we had - we exchange staying at the Norfolk Hotel for a night at Treetops (both owned by Block Hotels), we stayed in the “cell block” - almost all occupied by BCAL staff in the Norfolk Hotel. There I met Mike Lawrence, a Kenyan who was sitting at the bar and had drawn no 4 straw with the “boys” for the next BCAL crew coming in - I was the fourth coming in wearing our mini kilts. I ended up marrying him, living in Kenya, creating the most wonderful life, businesses (had no idea I was a business minded) three children and have remained in Kenya since 1976. BCAL bought me a flat in London a husband and a wonderful life - THANK YOU

Patricia Morland-Coon (now Particia Millington)  16/4/13   I flew with BCal for eleven years from 1974 to 1985, and was cabin crew on the BAC 1-11, B707 and the DC10.

Caroline Morrice (nee Heard)  05/01/14
Sadly Caroline passed away unexpectedly on 30 December 2012, aged 55, at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary following a very short illness.  Since her Crewroom entry she had moved back to Aberdeen from Leicestershire. Caroline, dearly loved and loving mum of Nathalie, daughter of Maisie and the late Vincent Heard, sister of Marilyn, partner of Keith and mum-in-law to John. The funeral service was held at Craigiebuckler Parish Church, Springfield Road, Aberdeen, on Friday, 11 January 2013. Caroline is remembered by colleagues as lovely lady and a great Ops Officer.

Caroline's Original entry:
Good to find your website. I was an Ops officer for BCAL helicopters in ABZ in the early 1980s but am now a primary teacher in Leicestershire (quite a change!)

Lynda & Steve Morris
    Great to see we are not the only ones who remember BCAL so fondly....pls pass on our e mail address to anyone who remembers us

Neil Morrison 
Joined in Summer 1965 as the Crewing assistant to Reg Farrell and Selwyn Jones. Operations Manager at that time was Tosh Parlane. With the Operations Director of Stew Calder, Chief Pilot Roy Hermes and Eric Goodyear as Chief Flight Engineer. Left Aviation just prior to the merger of Caledonian with BUA. Many of the names on the list that appear on the guestbook are familiar to me from those days. Now a retired Banker an living locally in Crawley. Regards to all from those far off but memorable days.

Tony Morse
I was asked to be a consultant to BCAL in 1983, advising on group and conference development. After a year I joined that wonderful airline as marketing manager of Leisure and Group Sales until just before the take-over happened. Without doubt, my time with BCAL was one of the happiest of my working life and I have many fond memories of those days.

John Moss 30/07/13
Sadly John passed away on 16th July 2013, aged 91 after a struggle with cancer. Our deepest condolences go out to John's family, friends and former colleagues. John's service was held on 12th August. John is remembered well and we have a tribute, by Goff Bowles, John Remembered

Richard Mudge  23/03/20 
I joined BCal’s Australian regional office in Sydney in late 1983, being recruited from the Sydney office of Air New Zealand.  My role was supervising the Reservations, Ticketing and Fares distribution for the regional General Sales Agencies in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Fiji and other Pacific Islands.  I was ably assisted by two Reservations/Ticketing officers and the team was constantly busy attending to these GSAs as well as servicing local travel industry.  BCal was successful in marketing and selling fares from Australia to UK with on-carriage over HKG and LAX with Qantas to LGW.  QF viewed this as an advantage of offering LHR or LGW in their fares regime to the local travel industry.  Here in Australia during 70’s and 80’s, air travel to the UK was booming and selling the benefits of LGW in conjunction with Qantas (the national carrier) brought travel industry sales into the local BCal offices.

We also welcomed BCal ticketed passengers with rebooking and reticketing requests to their itineraries.  Famous personalities that visited us were Ken Rosewall (Australian Wimbledon Tennis Champion), Barry Humphreys (aka Dame Edna Everidge) as well a number of senior BCal executives from both HKG and LGW.

When BCal was eventually taken over by British Airways in late 1987, the Sydney office was closed in March 1988, with only the Reservations/Ticketing staff absorbed into the big Sydney office of BA. I went onto join the travel industry computer system company TIAS (Travel Industry Automated Systems) that provided travel agents with the unique multi-access airline CRS.  In 1992 with the arrival of the global CRS’s of Galileo, Fantasia-Sabre and Abacus, TIAS was closed down and I transferred to Qantas GSA Sales based in Brisbane Queensland.  After ten years of service and retrenchment I eventually landed in the start-up LCC named Virgin Blue in their reservations centre in BNE.  In 2010 with arrival of a new CEO, Virgin Blue changed to full service carrier Virgin Australia and again in November 2016 I was retrenched during the course of company cost cutting and off-shoring of jobs into Asia.  Since my retrenchment I have been enjoying retirement playing golf and being a volunteer Airport Ambassador at Brisbane Airport terminals.  If you come through BNE Airport and you see a “dark blue” shirted lady or gent walking around the terminals giving information or guiding passengers, say “g’day” and receive a friendly smile.

Jack Mullen
Sadly Jack, former SSE Manchester under Roy Mills, has passed away after a long illness. Our sincere condolences go out to Jack's family, friends and former colleagues. Jack's service was held at Bolton crematorium on Monday 10 August.

Barbara Mullet  04/03/16
Sadly Barbara passed away in Devon on 24th February 2016. Our sincere condolences go out to her family, friends and former colleagues.  Barbara joined BUA in June 1963 and became a very popular crew member with her professional attitude and great sense of humour. Barbara loved her career with the airlines and eventually became head of BUA / BCal training at Gatwick. Barbara's service was held in Devon on 18th March. Barbara Remembered

Keith Mulvaney 11/08/19
Sadly I have heard that Keith, a steward, has passed away. My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues. Keith was a very popular lad to fly with and many will share great memories of him. He leaves a daughter Channel. Keith Remembered.

Wendy Munn
It is with great sadness that we learn that Wendy Munn, ex cabin crew (Purser) Gatwick & Heathrow passed away on 29th April 2023. Wendy joined BCal in January 1977. After the BA merger she continued on V fleet at Gatwick until base closure, then went to EOG, after which she went to BA long haul LHR until retiring in 2008. Wendy's choice was for a direct cremation, which took place on 1st June 2023. Wendy Remembered

Richard Muñoz  03/08/09 
Joined BCal in 1974. Started in the sales dep. than moved to tariffs, later to the ticket desk and finally to reservations as a supervisor. Excellent days, lovely company and people to work with. Can remember very good times with Steve Brett, Caren Anderson, Bruce Langham and many others. Now its 27 year that we left BCal and still miss it, and never find another job like that.

Julie Murphy (now Lennon)  17/07/12 
I Joined BCAL as a Stewardess between 1970 - 1973. I shared a house with Claudia Auston and Frances Lightfoot in Three Bridges for some of the time. Where are you Ladies ? Ray Stein was on my induction course at LGW.

Kevin Murphy
Sadly Kevin, who was a BCal cabin crew member back in the 70/80's, passed away on 06/02/11. Kevin's service was held at Worth Crematorium (near Crawley) on Monday 21st February 2011.

William Leo "Spud" Murphy  20/03/19
Sadly we learn that Leo passed away on 19th March 2019 after a short stay in the Princess Royal Hospital, he was 94 I think . My sincere condolences to Leo's family, friends and former colleagues. Leo's service was held on 1st April 2019, details and remembrances here Leo Remembered
Leo's entry, last updated 29/07/15 : A now retired Flight Engineer, I flew the following types Douglas DC6, VC10, B707 and DC10 for Caledonian and BCal, after starting at Silver City. I was part of the crew for the inaugural DC10 service to Los Angeles on 21st May 1982. I worked with your Father, Ron Thaxter, back in the day too

Alison Murray (now Dewar)  19/09/16     Brings back wonderful memories. Flew BCAL from 1972 to 1977.

Colin Murray
13/12/23  Colin Remembered
Sadly we learn that Colin has recently passed. My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues. Colin was with BUA, BCAL and then onto BA in his role of Cargo Sales Manager.

Patrick Murray  14/01/13
I worked in BCal cargo from 1977-1984 in Import Cargo. Alun Armstrong headed up the Import department. Worked with  Paul Barnes (Barney), Brian Green (Greeny), Mike Harrison (Harry), Simon Roome (Roomy), Bill Nash (Nashy) and Andre Bogdan Skibinski (Boggo). Nicknames were not our strong point. Now working in Dubai for Emirates Group looking after an air cargo supply chain portal, Great memories including the Winkie (Wingspan) and Sunday lunchtimes at the Monoptype club.

Captain Bill Musgrave  03/06/17
Sadly we have heard that Bill, aged 95, passed away on 27th May 2017. My sincere condolences to Eunice, his family, friends and former colleagues. Bill, a Canadian by birth, Bill came over to England and joined the RAF in 1938. A Lancaster pilot in the Second World War, he had the rotten luck to be shot down twice. On the second occasion he was badly injured from shrapnel wounds. He survived, being nursed back to health by a girlfriend of Marshal Tito, Yugoslavia’s charismatic revolutionary and statesman. With the help of Tito’s partisans he got back to England, joined RAF Bomber Command, and got back into the war. At the end of the war Bill remained in the RAF and became a test pilot with the Empire Test Pilots’ School in Farnborough.

Bill lived for flying, and to avoid ending up in a non-flying position with the RAF, he joined Silver City Airways, later British United Airways and then BCal. But he had managed to continue flying as a civil test pilot and line pilot.

Eunice Musgrave
(nee Hankinson)  27/06/13    
I was with BUA from 1961 until l969. I was based at Gatwick and flew mostly on the Britannia, fondly remembered as the whispering giant. Also flew on Viscounts, BAC 1-11’s and VC-10’s. The years in which I flew were known as the golden years of flying, and indeed they were wonderful, exciting times, when one enjoyed every aspect of the job. Married Bill Musgrave, one of the BUA pilots, and now live in Wensleydale, North Yorkshire. Love to hear from anyone who remembers us and has similar happy memories.

John Musynske
I worked for BCAL cargo in JFK from start up in 1985 to the "merger" in 1988. I continued with BA Reservations at The Bulova Center until the site was closed in 1999. I took the buy out and have worked in aviation since, but nothing matches the "BCAL Days"!!!!  I would love to hear from my old colleagues especially  the Old Team from JFK;  Phil Bowells' sales and operations team and Neil Warringer's PAX Svc team.  I would also like to hear from LGW/LHR Imports (if you guys are still talking to me after many JFK export escapades!) especially Mark Palmer (LHR IMPS). Best wishes to all my BCAL are all sorely missed!

Jim Myers   I worked in London sales from 1975 - 1978, fantastic memories. Will be great to hear from anyone who remembers me.

End of Page

Crewroom - M

Latest page update : 15th January 2025

Text in Orange = Updated email address needed please          Text in Green = Sadly that person has passed.
British Caledonian - A Tribute