The Trevor Boud Gallery
The Snooker Team
Brits and DC-7s at Gatwick
Adam Thomson (BCAL), Trevor Boud (BCAL), Conrad & Brizendine (both MDC) and Abraham
The following photos and images were kindly submitted by Trevor, and I am pleased to be able to show them here
Most were taken at the US Conquistadores del Cielo aviation club for top industry executives over the years

September 2019
I am pleased to say that Trevor has kindly agreed to be the new senior representative for the BCAL Group and its forebears. Alastair's sad passing earlier this year left a large hole to fill and as with any organisation a main focal point of leadership - a figurehead - is needed. This is to cover any media needs, comments, even some permissions.
Especially, if we ever undertake another Douala-like project, having a respected senior figure to consult and provide wise counsel helps tremendously.
Trevor, a Chartered Accountant, joined the original Caledonian Airways in 1965 and soon became Financial Director. He was at the financial helm with Adam Thomson for the take-over of BUA by Caledonian to create BCAL. He became the Group Executive Vice-Chairman and Finance Director and Chairman of some of the Group’s companies His subsequent business activities included various aviation consultancies, a period as Chief Executive Officer for Air Jamaica, and a senior appointment in Sabena.
Trevor has kindly written a welcome message, which is now on the web site's index page and it embodies the spirit within the BCAL community.