The Taff Jones Gallery

The following photos were kindly made available by Angela Jones and sent in by Mike Jeffs

Taff was the out-station engineer at Lagos and Nairobi for many years with both BCal and BUA.

Taff sadly passed away in 1990 after a brave fight with cancer.

These pictures are courtesy of Taffy's widow Angela and she passes on her best wishes to all the people they new.

When Taffy left Lagos in 1979 he was so well regarded by all the local staff he was made a Chief and the pictures here are of the ceremony.

Taff was also involved with the BCal rugby team and accompanied on tours around the world.

Mike first met Taffy before he was on long haul.

"Following a motor bike accident I was lying in a ditch on a quiet Sussex country road unable to get up, when a car stopped and a man with a strong welsh accent said "what are you doing down there boyo" and he took me to hospital covering his car seat in mud at the same time."
The picture of the car below was a funny, but lucky, incident. When parked behind the engine of the aircraft on the ramp at Lagos, for some reason the aircraft rolled back and onto the company car with Taffy still in it.

He was very lucky and only managed to escape through the rear door, as you can see not much left of the car.
Many thanks to Angela and also to Mike for sending in the photos
Taffy with Roy Marshall
Taffy with Roy Marshall
Robbie Jewitt & Taffy in Nairobi
Robbie Jewitt & Taffy in Nairobi
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British Caledonian - A Tribute