Ray Corsan : Regional Manager Africa / Cargo Sales Manager
Sadly we learn that Ray passed away in April 2022, my sincere condolences to his family, friends and former colleagues. Ray worked in Africa becoming Regional Manager C & S Africa, before taking a role as Services & Cargo Manager.

A photo of Ray on the right in 1982
Ray Remembered

From Audrey E. Bateman
I remember your Ray well. He was a charming man. I worked in Advertising and Publicity and visited Lagos frequently.

From Roger Hogbin
I remember Ray, either from Lusaka or somewhere else. I worked in Lusaka for a while, relieving Dave Draude when he went on leave. I think that's Mick Wilmott, back right, as a few of us relieved Dave over the years. I also remember Mrs Mapalanga (Mrs Map) Is that her left centre? Willie McKenna was Airport Manager while I was there.

From Alan Reeves: I remember Ray from LOS days, a gent.

From Derek Epps
Worked with Ray in Cargo, lovely man and great fun to work with. We went to Tokyo for the opening of our new route. Men have the title "san" after their surname so he was always referred to as Corsan-san there.

From Mike Platt
I remember Ray in Accra where I went to do leave relief for him. A lovely man so very to sorry to hear about him passing. Condolences.

From Simon Rickard:
I worked with Ray whilst working in Southern Routes. He will be greatly missed

From Peter Bliaux
A gentleman and a pleasure to work for. When he returned to UK he lived just down the road from me in Bookham. My condolences.

From Trevor Warburton: Ray was a good bloke

From George Banks
I remember him as I was overseas catering Executive west and central Africa, I remember him as being a nice person I was very junior then and I was always rushing off to Lusaka Lagos etc to sorry out a catering problem. RIP

From Mike Booth
I first met Ray in Accra but I remember him best in Lagos as he and his lovely wife used to accommodate me on my many trips there when the Bookshop House office was being set up. Always affable and calm a true gentleman, I will remember him fondly. Rest in peace Ray.

From Richard Heywood: I remember Ray very well from when I was Overseas Admin Exec. My condolences

From Charles Powell
I first met Ray when he was promoted to be Manager in Ghana. He proved to be a very level headed manger who was well able to cope with the new challenges he faced. He proved popular and effective in all his roles in Africa. Later he was to specialise in cargo.  After the BA merger he left the company and came to work for me in Air Europe where he was responsible  for  all cargo matters. That included setting up some completely new cargo services. Well done, Ray.

From Tony Cocklin
I was so sorry to hear about Ray. He was a super colleague, a great professional, good friend and a true gentleman. You could always depend on Ray.

If you would like to leave a message in remembrance please drop me a line anytime at  BCalatribute@outlook.com

Condolences have been extended by:

Dave Thaxter, William Gardner-Hunter, Jim Will, Reed Purvis, Kathy Gibb, Mark Wiles, John Morgan, David John Mercer, Biddi Geoghegan, Frances Taylor, Christina Selmes, Cynthia Platt, Jacqui Robinson, Jeannine Honza, Alina Rennie, Brian Wassell, John Bailey, Lindsay Smith, Adrian Evans, Lee Rose, Andy Hudson, Mark Whiting, Doug Ledingham, Steve Bentley, Peter Durran, Graham Waters, Howard Meredith, Shaqui Le Vesconte, Graham Lambert. Liz Tiley, Liz Elizabeth Figueiredo, Jackie Hebert Hayes, Riaz Butt, Alan Reeves, Karen Strawson, Joanna Dyckes, Barbara Harmes, Gillian Goodchild-Dyer, Pat Cresswell, Linda Boyle, Suzun Edmead, David R Holder, Roger Hogbin, Ann Gallagher, Ian Colgan, Dudley Rice, Sara Cunningham, David Williams, Janet Willis, Davina Smale, Stephen Tavener, Nick Washington-Jones, Rachael Sadler, William Gardner-Hunter, Laurie Evans, Sheila Berkeley-white, Janice Belshaw, Jennifer Grail, Vicki Phillips, Madeliene Gibson, Jackie Lloyd, Kris Massie, Jan Wickens, Steve Hope,

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British Caledonian - A Tribute