Ken Collyer : BCal Load Control
Sadly we learn that Ken passed away peacefully on Friday evening the 9th June 2023. My sincere condolences go out to Ken's family, friends and former colleagues. Ken had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's / dementia and passed after a stroke.

Ken started with BUA in 1968, starting with Loaders, then moved to lost property and finally headed to Load Control.
Service details

Kens funeral was held on 28th June 2023 at the Surrey and Sussex crematorium.

Ken was remembered afterwards at the nearby Shipley Bridge Inn.
Ken Remembered

From Kerry Coles:

From Roger Warren:

From Trevor Warburton:
So sorry to hear this Linda. A good bloke

From Sue Bridgman:
So sorry to hear this, Linda. Thinking of you.

From Ray Bridgman:
I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Love and all my sympathy to Linda

From Pat Gough:
Sincere condolences.

From Lynne Le Maitre:
Sad news Linda, condolences to you and your family

From Ray Davies:

From Riaz Butt: Sor
ry to hear the news. R.I.P Ken.

From Jane Gray:
So sorry to read this, sending love and condolences.

From Ron Paterson:
Sorry to read this. Condolences to you all.

From Susie Douglas-Smith: So sorry to hear. Sending love and condolences

From Alan Reeves:
Condolences to Linda and the family, RIP Ken

From Jenny Holland:
I am very sorry to hear this

From Jennifer Grail:
So sorry.

From Vanessa Holland:
Condolences to Linda and the family RIP

From Kim Widdup:
Love and condolences to Linda and the family

From Len Bunn:
My sincere condolences to the family

From Sally Simmonds:
Very sad news

From Neville Coleman:
So sorry to hear this, Ken was a lovely guy

From Anne Marie Dunn:
So sorry to hear this news. RIP Ken

From Gillian Goodchild-Dyer: I'm sorry to read this. Condolences to the family. RIP Ken.

From Jacqui Huxford:
Condolences my thoughts are with the family at this difficult time

From Richard Friend:
My condolences Linda. He’s in a happier world now. RIP Ken.

From Liz Rogers:

From Deanna West
My thoughts are with Linda and the family - so very sorry to hear the news. So glad I saw you both last year. RIP Ken

From Don Passmore:
So very sad. RIP Ken

From Tricia Riley:
Condolences and RIP Ken

From Pauline Bowell
I worked with Ken in Load Control for several years and really appreciated all he taught me during that time. Such care and time he took with us all. So very sorry for your loss Linda but he will now be at peace which is what he would want I think. RIP dear Ken

From Doug Ledingham: Sincere condolences Linda, to you and your family. RIP Ken.

From Ricky Cuss
Goodness, we are so sorry to hear this news. Bless him… our heartfelt condolences from Marilyn and I.

From Una Allman:
So sad but the family will have such lovely memories.

Sandra Godfrey: RIP Ken

From Rhoda Pearman:
RIP Ken. My condolences to Linda and the family

From Nancy Strafford:
Sending love to Linda

From Austin Wynn-Hayes:
Deepest condolences to Linda and the family for your loss.

From Michael Nunn: I have known Ken for many years, RIP my friend

From Hazel Harris: Love and condolences to Linda

From Jackie Lloyd
: So sorry to hear this. My condolences to Linda and the family.

From Phil Bowell
So sorry to hear of the passing of Ken - I worked with Ken in Load Control whilst in operations. He was a good solid team member. I will often recall the philosophical discussions held with Ken and other members of the Load Control and Advance Load Planning team in the office when confronted with sudden vast amounts of excess baggage causing Cargo to be off-loaded. Sincere condolences to Linda and the family. RIP Ken - Fly High

From Graham Davey
So sorry to learn that Ken has passed.  I lived with him and Alan West at Beverly when I joined the ticket desk around 1968 and they were both lovely guys. My sincere condolences to Linda.

From Peter Barrie
Ken and I worked together in Load Control for quite a while and he was great company. A lovely sense of humour and dedicated airline man. Ken and Linda popped into to see me and my wife when they were in Australia a few years ago. As usual we had a great time reminiscing about the “good old days”.

From Charles Manetta
So sorry to hear. Please may I offer my condolences. Ken was a pioneer of those early days, and a true colleague to all of us.

If you would like to leave a message in remembrance please drop me a line anytime at

Condolences have been extended by:

Dave Thaxter, Reed Purvis, Austin Wynn-Hayes, Geoffrey Cornwell, Jean Pierre Sonta, Ricky Cuss, Susie Caldwell, Frances Taylor, Anthea McClelland, Denise Stevens, Sally Edgar, Dave Surry, Marlene Crawley, Carolyn Poppeliers, Doug Ledingham, Tricia Riley, Pat Cresswell, Dave Phillips, Alayne Elizabeth, Catherine Defo Deriter, Lee Rose, Lisa Newton Bellamy, Debbie Cornford, Nick Washington-Jones, Claire Johnson, Liz Rogers, Elise Riley, Mick Brooker, Gillian Goodchild-Dyer, Graham Waters, Mark Whiting, Iain Hutchison, Sally Simmonds, Ron Fink, David R Holder, David Groom, Clive Harte-Lovelace, Keryma Briceño Neff, Kim Widdup, David T Eschbaecher, Jean Bagnell, Barbara Harmes, Julie Green, Susie Douglas-Smith, Sylvia Murphy, Laurie Evans, Liz Tiley, Sara Cunningham, Jane Gray, Angela Martin, Suzzi Higgs, Riaz Butt, Lindsay Smith, Ray Davies, Helen Reeves, Biddi Geoghegan, Victor Attwood, Gary Keast, David Williams, Caron Phillips, Lynne Le Maitre, Kris Massie,

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