John Harman : Operations, Load / Service Control & Pax Services
Sadly we have heard that John passed away on Sunday 10th January 2021. Our sincere condolences go out to the family, his friends and colleagues at this time. John worked in Operations, Service / Load Control and had a spell in Passenger Services too; so will have been known to many.

Service details

John's service was held on 1st February 2021 at Worthing Crematorium   (Map here)

Covid restrictions applied sadly / masks / social distancing etc
John Remembered

From Phil Bowell
John was a solid and calm guy, just the sort of person you want in your operation. He was well liked by all and appreciated by his colleagues for the way he operated, always completing his task and living punctuality. RIP John.

From Ray Bridgman: RIP John. He was one of the first people I met in BUA Ship's Papers, on the day I joined in 1968.

From Cos Shiels: A true gent. RIP John

From Caron Phillips: RIP John, my sincere condolences to his family and friends

From Jim Will: RIP John.

From John Bailey
I met him many years ago through Steve Baker BCAL Load Control, and Branch Secretary TGW. John was a friend to all, and worked in many departments......even worked with us in the Warehouse Cargo BCAL/BA after a work place re organisation. We will sadly miss him, RIP John.

From Michael Nunn: RIP John

From Sally Simmonds: Very sad to hear.

From Danny Sheehan: So very sad to hear John has passed away, RIP JOHN. My sincere condolences to his family.

From Coreen Wilcox: So sorry. Condolences to his family. Rest in peace John.

From Diane Playford
Such sad news, a lovely kind and quiet man, worked with him on the ticket desk. Condolences to his family.

From Karen McManus: Sincere condolences, R.I.P. John

From Marje Boxall (via Pauline Bowell)
Marje & Norman are so very sad to learn of John’s passing and remember him fondly. They used to frequently have dinner with John & Jan and Ali & Glynne Tucker. John once challenged Norman to “go the whole Hog” and eat the HUGE pie at The James King, thus qualifying him for a Certificate, which he still has to this day! Happy memories! They both will miss him and send their condolences to all the family.

From Pauline Bowell
I am so sorry to learn this news. John was always so very kind to me and we used to laugh such much! Following surgery in 1986 when I was single, as our Union Rep he arranged for me to have 2 weeks Convalescence at the TGWU hotel in Eastbourne, which I really appreciated. He visited me there to, making me laugh of course as he always did & cheering me up a lot, something I’ll never forget and always appreciate! Rest in Peace John, you were so well thought of and loved.

From Lynne Le Maitre
Sad news about John - our paths often crossed on the ramp and at the gates , a lovely friendly and easygoing person. RIP John.

From Chris Jensen
I was at school with John and this gave me some very fond memories of him. We always joked about my being at his 15th birthday party. I was very sad to read of his demise and send my sincere condolences to his family. Such a lovely man and a true gentleman.

From Neville Coleman: Another really good guy, I remember him as red cap always full of life and jolly, sadly missed.

From Peter Goddard
My condolences to John’s family. I remember working with John when I was on the ticket desk in LGW; a thoroughly decent chap, who was well liked by everyone. RIP.

From Elaine Jupp
Very sad news. I worked with John in the Operations office and also on the ramp. He was a very nice chap full of fun and laughter. My condolences to his family and friends.

From Danny Sheehan: My condolences to John's family such a nice guy, RIP JOHN

If you would like to leave a message in remembrance please drop me a line anytime at

Condolences have also been extended by:

Dave Thaxter, Chris Farbridge, Kris Massie, Roger Warren, Jenny Thomas, Lindsay Smith, Liz Rogers, Tina Harvey, Tony Rider, Ian Plumridge, Alan Reeves, Jeremy Berridge, Riaz Butt, Martin Leach, John Morgan, David Phillips, Brian Buchanan Aitchison, Carol Brandon, Andrea Bracey, Peter Durran, Debee Boerner, Tricia Riley, Janet Willis, Susie Douglas-Smith, Jennifer Grail, Dudley Rice, Brian Wassell,

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