Captain William "Bill" Cumbus
Sadly Bill passed away on 3rd August 2016, he was 94. My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues.

Bill joined Hunting-Clan in 1950 and progressed through to BUA when it was formed. He flew Vikings, then Viscount 732 and 833, followed by the VC10 for about 12 years and finished on the Boeing 707 before retiring in 1977.

Bill became a member of the Crew room on our site in 2014 and there followed a series of emails to and fro to his home in Australia. I know Bill enjoyed looking through the site and his emails were always very nice to receive. His last email to me was in April 2016 and I for one will miss those. 

I found a photo of Bill, who is on the far left, from July 1968. He was part of the crew that had just flown BUA's first transatlantc VC10 to New York.

In the photo we have
Bill Cumbus, David Page, Rex Cotterell, James Cole, Pat Hamilton, Carol Prudoe, Leslie Williams, Marion Sandiford, William Murphy and Bill Evans shaking hands with Roy Lowey.
Bill Remembered

From Eunice Musgrave
I knew Bill well in the old days with BUA and then Caledonian. He was a most delightful man in every way, and I for one will miss him.

From Leo Murphy :  Sad news about Bill. One of the nicest people in aviation.

From Valerie Hardiman (now Poole)
I flew with Bill from 1958 to 1960 with Hunting-Clan, many happy memories. So sorry to hear the sad news; a lovely man.

From Gill Mason (nee Terrington)
I flew on Vikings years ago with Bill, as did my late husband Ivan - for many more years. I was re-connected with Bill by email in the last two years. He was a very nice man, a pleasure to have known him.

From David Heal
Bill Cumbus was a wonderful human being who had time for everyone. I was responsible for his Flight Programme both with BUA and BCAL He will be greatly missed.

If you would like to leave a message in remembrance please drop me a line anytime

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