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The DC-3 was a pretty economical aircraft, but operating economies always had to be looked at. Douglas Aircraft, the manufacturers of the DC-3, has recently launched a Super DC-3; which had better performance and lower running costs. Though at $300,000+ to modify each DC-3 it was beyond the resources of many airlines. Also many of the parts could only be sourced from the USA at the time, leaving operators reliant on overseas sources.
With ten Dakotas in their fleet at the time, Transair had gained valuable experience in operating them and with an eye on costs and efficiency savings, they came up with a series of modifications; that would achieve similar operating performances to the Super DC-3, but at a fraction of the cost.
The Transair modifications:
The DC-3 had a retractable undercarriage, but the wheel-wells remained open. By installing wheel-well doors to close up the openings, they could reduce the aircraft’s drag by 6.25%, which gave a sizeable increase in performance.
The engines were up-rated engines (an additional 100bhp) with an 18mph increase in cruising speed.
The propellers were modifed, this added 3mph to the speed,
The hydraulic system was re-worked enabling the undercarriage to be retracted in half the normal time
The brakes were up-rated to Goodyear disc braking units.
All this modifications combined gave improved take-off and climb performance and an overall increase of 30mph in cruising speed, meaning the DC-3 was now in the 200mph aircraft class.
Transair named their modified DC-3 aircraft the Dakmaster and soon they would not only be modifying their own fleet but many others besides.
They had modified five of their own aircraft by June 1956 and this led to a parts kit for the wheel-well door modifications being offered for sale and they received 115 orders within two months from other DC-3 operators.

Some BUA DC3's running with the Transair Dakmaster modified wheel-well doors
British Westpoint G-ALYF
Dan Air G-AMPP
Air Anglia G-ANTD
Some other operators aircraft operating with the Transair modifications, these aircraft never flew in BCal's lineage