Terrence Crook (Porter)
It is with sadness we learn that Terry passed away on 18th April 2020 after battling cancer.  My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues. Terry was a Porter and was known by many. He is well remembered here

Service details

Terry's service details will be added when known.

Sadly in these times with Corona, personal attendance may not be possible.
Terry Remembered

From Jackie Lloyd: I remember him! So sorry to hear of his passing. R.I.P

From Caron Phillips: So sorry to hear this sad news RIP Terry, my condolences to his family and friends

From Simone Pontet-piccolomini: My condolences to the family

From Pat Gough: Condolences to the family.

From Denny Gaskell
I’m so very sorry to hear your sad news. He was part of our BCal family. May he rest in peace now, free from pain. RIP Terrence.

From George Banks: RIP l am so sorry

From Geoff Johnston: RIP Terry, one of the best. Sorry for your loss.

From Jack Boyle: R.I.P Terrence

From Iona McKay: How very sad, I'm so sorry, RIP Terry

From Elizabeth Figueiredo: RIP

From Hazel Harris
: So sorry to hear of Terry's passing. R.I.P Terrence

From Lynne Le Maitre: Condolences to you and your family. RIP Terrence.

From Jim Will: Sorry for your loss. R.I.P Terrence

From Roger Humphrey: R.I.P. Terrence, fly high. Condolences to you and your family at this very sad time.

From Debbie Cornford: So sorry to hear the sad news. Thinking of the family. RIP Terrence

From Diana Evans: So sorry to hear this sad news. Condolences to the family xx

From Sally Simmonds: Very sad to hear. He was part of our BCal family.

From Sue Bridgman: I remember him. RIP.

From Liz Rogers: So sorry to hear this

From Trevor Fisher: RIP Terrence

From Alan Saunders: RIP

From Roger Warren: You were part of the BCAL family, RIP Terry

From Valerie Armstrong: RIP

From Paul Foster: RIP

From Hazel Austin: RIP Terrence

From Nick Ellis: I remember Terry. Condolences to the family

From John Zareba: A good man our Terry, one of the hard working porters. RIP my friend

From Beryl Mason: RIP Terry

From Diane Playford
Yes remember him well, always so helpful to us girls. So sorry go hear the sad news, my thoughts are with the family.

From Jane Macey: RIP; so sad

From Geraldine Rutherford: RIP and sympathies to the family

From Debbie Cornford: So sorry to hear this sad news. RIP Terence

If you would like to leave a message in remembrance please drop me a line anytime at  BCalatribute@outlook.com

Condolences have also been extended by:

Dave Thaxter, Mark Whiting, Anne Winckworth, Kris Massie, Stella Bassett, Christine Jegu, Anthea McClelland, Sandie Kubiak, Peter Durran, Jenny Thomas, Maureen Booth, Trevor Warburton, Elizabeth Figueiredo, Linda Haynes, Linda Daley, Helen Shenton, Paul Foster, Lindsay Smith, Brian Wassell, Simon Huisman, Neil Ambrose, Dolorsmaria Vila-mills, Joanna Miles-McKelvey, Kathryn Durey, Vivien Izzard, David Williams, Julie Nuttall, Nick Ridley, Rosie Stockwell, Elaine Wright, Doug Ledingham, Linda Boyle, Brian Buchanan Aitchison, Pat Cresswell, Jennifer Scott, Joanne Hamilton, Riaz Butt, John Meighan, Graham Flowerdew, Geraldene Lambert, Martin Leach, Elise Riley

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British Caledonian - A Tribute