The Janet Pitt Gallery (now Simmons)

The following photos were kindly sent in by Janet and I am pleased to be able to show them here
Back row - left to right
June Rifkin (Trainer), Jean, Wendy, Heather, Janet Pitt (Anderson, Simmons), Caroline, Kathy, Denise (Denny) Dalby, Rita Quinn (Trainer).

Front row sitting - left to right
Cathy, Cindy Unsworth, Monica, Jan, Julia, Sue, Chris White, Maureen, Celia Weiss, Penny.

If you recognise anyone on the course and recall their surnames, please drop me a line anytime
This is Janet's AB Initio course, held in March 1973. Janet is in the middle of the back row wearing Graham of Monteith tartan
Beryl Mason (nee Hulme), Lindsey Robinson and Janet Simmons (nee Pitt, Anderson)
(taken at a lunch date in 2014)
Janet : Part 2

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British Caledonian - A Tribute