Graham Provan

Sadly we learn that Graham passed away on Monday 19th October 2015. Our sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and former colleagues at this time. Graham was an Instrument (Avionics) Supervisor in Base Engineering and was very well known to all in Engineering recalls friend and former colleague Keith Dagwell

Graham's service was held on 17th November 2015 at Worthing Crematorium, Findon, West Sussex

Graham Remembered

From Tony Sanderson-Miller (Avionics Supervisor)
I was saddened to hear that Graham had passed away. I worked with Graham for 12 years and found him extremely knowledgeable, helpful and always there if one required help. When we did the A310 course PCT in Toulouse in 1984 Graham and I enjoyed a great day of sightseeing in Nice walking the hills. I will always think kindly of Graham.

If you would like to leave a message in remembrance please drop me a line anytime

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