BCal and BUA Leather Goods and Gifts
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Leather goods and gifts have often been seen as a top quality items to sell or as giveaways to passengers, clients and staff members.

Over the years a few of these have come to light from the luggage label to inaugural passport covers for the USA - UK flights.

The Travel Backgammon set is very nice and the red leather BUA Bridge set has stood the test of time. Though the later dark red / ox blood leather items are very nice and top quality....and until others are found a bit too nice to use.

But if you have any different items at home, always pleased to add them here too.

BCal Card wallets BCal Card wallet BCal Card wallet
BCal Card wallets BCal Card wallet BCal Card wallet
BCal Suede travel wallet BCal Travel Backgammon Set BUA Bridge Set
BCal Suede travel wallet BCal Travel Backgammon Set BUA Bridge Set
BCal Topsec note pad BCal USA inaugural passport cover BCal Passport cover
BCal Topsec note pad BCal USA inaugural passport cover BCal Passport cover
BCal Gents wallet BCal Key case wallet BCal Passport cover
BCal Gents wallet BCal Key case wallet BCal Passport cover